Integrated Project Management

Integrated Project Management is Rockbuilding's core activity. We know that a project needs solid technical, commercial, financial and administrative management to guarantee its success.

Our clients seek to maximize the value of their assets. We work to bring rigor and the approach of international best practices to each project. The purpose is to ensure the success of each project, framed with the different cultures, values and commercial expectations of our clients.

Our managers develop solid relationships with all parties involved in a project, in a constant search for the best methodologies that allow us to meet the objectives of our clients.

Rockbuilding's reputation and solid experience give those who seek us the confidence that their interests will always be our priority.

Strategic Planning

All projects begin with a plan that defines a program, a schedule, business and financial objectives, as well as the need for resources to complete it successfully.

The result of the strategic planning process is a plan with all the key points, with a clear identification of the project's goals, objectives, and business strategies.

A comprehensive market, licensing, and cost-benefit analysis is essential when conducting an investment analysis, setting up financing, or raising capital.

Assess the industry, economy, and community. Understanding the current condition of the real estate sector and its forecasts is essential to arrive at successful strategic planning.
Our strategic planning process consists of:

- Situation analysis;
- Market analysis;
- Sustainability studies;
- Master Plan;
- Licensing strategy;
- Sensitivity analysis based on:

a. Best Use;
b. Initial planning;
c. Initial budget;
d. Risk assessment.

- Implementation strategy plan.

Cost Management and Control

A preliminary budget is based on historical direct and indirect cost data, and market data on sales, leases, fees, and income, among others.

The result of our financial analysis is a solid business plan that supports the decision-making process on the part of our clients, at every stage of the project. From licensing to construction, from financing to commercialization, our advice aims to add value at every stage of an investment.

Cost Control

Cost management provides specialized control over the entire project lifecycle that reduces client risk and anticipates budgetary slippage, allowing value and confidence to be added to the final development cost.

We support our clients in forecasting direct and indirect costs, through the promotion of an initial feasibility study, monthly cost control, periodic budget update and project closure.

Our main results:

- Cost modeling and planning, for proactive management of construction costs;
- 'Best use' studies (Best Use);
- Optimization of costs in each phase of the project using our database of reference indexes;
- Post-contract cost management and final accounting closing;
- Validation of invoices with respective registration and control;
- Experience in integrating new technologies, such as BIM, sustainability, and online production of financial reports.

Procurement and Contract Management

The correct approach to Procurement is critical to the success of any project. With access to the latest market information and in-depth knowledge of its agents, our team promotes impartial advice, seeking the best cost-benefit ratio for each situation.

Key services include:

- Procurement;
- Preparation of objectives and KPIs;
- Definition of objectives and strategic advice;
- Negotiation;
- Tenders and award processes;
- Contract management and control.

Coordination of Designers

Project management is made up of continuous development processes that promote innovation in the way in which buildings are designed, in their quality of operation and in the desired economic success.

One of Rockbuilding's differentiating factors is the presence of experienced engineers and architects on its team. While architects deal with design and the aesthetic component, engineers optimize structural planning, adapting the architect's creativity and innovation. One completes the other. Teamwork is essential in life, and that's especially true in Rockbuilding's way of working.

Our role involves the following functions:

- Motivate and coordinate design teams;
- Ensure that architectural and engineering projects meet the deadline, budget and quality defined by the Client;
- Analysis of deliveries;
- Compliance with current regulations.

Licensing Strategy and Coordination

Our experience in hundreds of managed projects gives us an insight into the complexity that commercial, office, hotel, industrial, or residential licensing can represent.

We strive to provide practical advice to our clients based on our extensive knowledge of national and municipal legislation, zoning and urban planning. Our goal is to align client interests with the most efficient licensing strategy for each project.

During all phases of the project, our teams coordinate the obtaining of administrative authorizations, deadlines, requirements, and notifications of the licensing processes under management.

Value Engineering

Adding value involves developing new solutions throughout the phases of a project, reducing costs and increasing functionality and the respective value of the asset.

When it comes to architecture and engineering, this means creating buildings with the best cost-benefit ratio and that meet your functional and commercial requirements, throughout the investment lifecycle.

After a preliminary analysis, we used our know-how and creativity to generate a set of optimizations and alternative solutions that exceed the intended functions and add value to the project.

Our expert assessment of factors, including product lifecycle, sustainability, and well-being, allows our customers to better predict their spending and make more informed decisions.

Risk Management

Investing in real estate involves a set of risks and uncertainties, some beyond the control of an investor.

The economic environment, politics, demography, and market trends are some of the external factors that make the difference between a successful real estate development and one that does not meet expectations.

Successful risk management requires proactive identification, accurate assessment, and a solid mitigation strategy. Our team uses rigorous analysis to help clients assess and manage risk, anticipating it.

Contract Management and Supervision

Our team offers a full range of management and coordination services for construction contracts to achieve deadlines, budget and quality requirements, from the tender to the reception of works.

Rockbuilding also provides contract inspection services to ensure the correct and quality execution of the projects approved in the client's business plan.

Our enforcement services include:

- Ongoing quality analysis and execution of projects;
- Cost validation and approval circuit;
- Change request management; Contract planning;
- Periodic inspection reports;
- Construction health and safety coordination;
- Sustainability and well-being monitoring;
- Dealership tests; Delivery lists and questions;
- Provisional and definitive receipt of the work;
- User licenses and other authorizations;
- Compilation of technical documentation.