
Real estate investments are becoming increasingly complex. Our consulting services support the development of coordinated and multidisciplinary strategies that maximize project results and minimize inherent risks.

Due Diligences

It is essential to know the potential risks and anticipated costs before any investment.

Uma Due Diligence aims to publicize the technical condition and urban framework of an asset. Risks are identified and quantified to support a purchase decision. It also identifies Red Flags that may jeopardize the business, in accordance with the defined RICS practices. We work quickly, efficiently and taking into account the investment objective.

The importance of a Due Diligence it is important for a buyer, but equally for a seller:

- It speeds up the sales procedures since all the data related to the property are presented;
- It increases the chance of obtaining the highest sales price, by minimizing unknown risks.

Studies of Best Use

What type of use is best for an asset from an economic point of view in the current zoning and/or with a minimum of new rights? We go beyond the typical report, analyzing the costs and benefits of various occupancy strategies, taking into account market trends, legal restrictions, and community environment.

Our analysis determines the maximum development potential of a property in the following phases:

- Asset analysis: we evaluate the location, configuration and characteristics of the property, as well as the urban development possibilities, respective framework and nature of nearby adjacent properties;
- Analysis of rights and conditions: we evaluate land use and the framing of the property with municipal laws and regulations; this process also involves the evaluation of urban plans including elements of the Municipal Master Plan, Detail Plans/Urbanization, among others;
- Market analysis: we use the most recent market data to forecast occupancy rates and rental value, sales pace, and other revenue projections necessary for the business plan;
- Asset valuation using methods approved by the CMVM;
- The sum of the above processes allows us to obtain the quantitative and qualitative information that we need to make a recommendation of a certain type and scale of project.

Feasibility Studies

The objective is to achieve the maximum potential of a development project.

With a feasibility study, it is possible to obtain an estimate of costs and revenues, which assesses the expected return on an investment. It helps to deconstruct complex projects and execute them in a manageable and timely manner — with as few surprises as possible.

The objective is to help the client to reduce risks, to predict the investment necessary to anticipate capital calls and related planning.

Our financial team also helps optimize the financing strategy of each project, promoting the necessary interactions with financial entities and capital partners in order to better adapt the cash flow needs of a project to the useful life of the financing, optimizing capital return periods.

Project Monitoring

We act as an entity exempt from project monitoring, without direct control over its management.

We support promoters and investors at every stage of their project development, ensuring that they can have information that allows them to understand the real state of their project, in terms of costs, planning and risk maps.

Our services include:

- Initial report;
- Periodical follow-up reports;
- Cost validation;
- Early alerts of possible problems and recommendations for their quick resolution;
- Analysis of projects in difficulty and recommendations for possible recovery strategies;
- Licensing and documentary compliance.